A Brief Introduction

Who We Are

  • A Christian 501.c.3 teaching and coaching ministry with individuals, groups, churches, and organizations
  • Experienced - Providing effective ministry training with more than 1000 churches and leadership groups spanning 45 states since 1993
  • Diversified Coaching - Providing Leadership Development in Chick-fil-A restaurants across the USA

What We Do

  • Supply in-depth, practical teaching and coaching for clients focused on their hopes and priorities.
  • Guide the initiation and ongoing development of life transforming relationship building within organizations.
  • Shape strategic plans based on the organization’s mission, purpose, and calling from God.

How We Do It

  • We begin by discovering the current reality of clients’ vision, needs, and priorities.
  • We deliver training over extended periods of time to have long term outcomes.
  • We offer diverse professional assessments through our training and work with TTI International.

What Others Say About Our Connect Group Training

TTI Success Insights

TTI Success Insights is the world’s leading source for research-based, validated assessment, and coaching tools that enable organizations to effectively meet their talent management needs, using our own patented solutions and products.

We transform talent into performance for organizations around the globe. We strive to be the premier assessment-based solutions provider in the world.

What Makes Us Different?

  • Our teaching is based on biblical principles.
  • Our training can be done either in person or utilizing video conferencing resources and online tools.
  • One of our highest priorities is developing trusted and caring long-term relationships.

What We are Not

  • A “One size fits all” resource OR promoters of another “Out-of-a-box, kit or a package” solutions.
  • A “quick fix” which fails to work through present realities and complex needs over time.
  • “Event-only” trainers and consultants who provide minimal follow-up support.

Our Beliefs, Principles, and Practices Summary of Our Christian Beliefs

  • We believe that all persons are called by God into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior, to put their whole trust in His grace, to serve Him as Lord of their lives, in union with the church universal, which Christ has opened to all people.
  • We believe in the ever-present unconditional love and power of the Holy Spirit, which is infinitely greater than all the spiritual forces of wickedness. We advocate ministry action.
  • We believe the Bible is God’s divinely inspired Word to humanity and contains all things necessary for salvation. We encourage the reading and study of the Bible, affirming that God uses it to transform lives.
  • We summarize the basics of our Christian beliefs in The Apostle’s Creed.
  • We believe that prayer is the core foundation of all Christian life and ministry, provides us with the most consistent way of communicating with God, and has the power to change physical, emotional, and spiritual realities.
  • We believe that all Christians are a part of the Christian Community of Faith, where sinners can experience the grace, love, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that all Christian Leaders (both clergy and laity) are in covenant with God and one another, and are called to hold one another accountable in the spirit of divine love and forgiveness.